pronoun and its types

pronoun and its types

pronoun and its types
pronoun and its types


Pronoun and its Types 

A word that is used instead of a noun is called a pronoun.


 I, we, she, they, he, you, it, them, etc.

Role of pronoun in a sentence:

Pronouns are usually short words and they are used to make sentence less cumbersome and less repetitive.

Kinds of pronoun:

·      Personal pronoun

·      Possessive

·      Reflexive 

·      Indefinite 

·      Demonstrative 

·      Relative 

·      Interrogative

·      Reciprocal 

1.  Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun is used to represent people or thing. Such as I, we, they, you, he, she, whom.

·      like this book.

·      He reads a book.

2.  Possessive Pronoun

Possessive pronoun shows possession or ownership. Such as his, hers, its, mine, yours, ours and theirs.


·      This book is mine.

·      Yours one is not real.

3.  Reflexive/ Intensive Pronoun:

Reflexive/ intensive pronoun always ends in ‘’self’’ or ‘’selves.’’ They are myself, himself, ourselves, themselves, yourselves, itself. They are used when the doer as well as the receiver is the same person.


·      he ask himself when he take a decision.

·      We learn about ourselves every day.

4.  Indefinite Pronoun:

An indefinite pronoun refers to non-specific or indefinite person or thing. Indefinite pronouns are any, anything, some, someone, any, anyone, everybody, somebody, everything, everyone, none, nobody, one, several, some, few, each, many.


·      All  boys are playing .

·      Does anyone  read the book properly?

·      Anyone can not climb the mountain easily.

·      Each must do his best.

·      One must do ones duty.

·      None but the brave deserves the fair.

5.  Demonstrative Pronoun:

A demonstrative pronoun point out a noun. demonstrative pronouns are ‘this’, ‘that’ and ‘those’.


·      You can smell that from here.

·      Those were good days.

·      This is a beautiful pen. 

6.  Relative pronoun:

Relative pronoun is a pronoun that links or introduces one clause or phrase to another in the sentence.


·      The woman who called me is my mother.

·      I know where you are going.

7.  Interrogative pronoun:

An interrogative pronoun is used to ask question. Interrogative pronouns are who, which, whom, what, who, whose, whosever, whomever, whichever, whatever.

Who, whom: refer to person

What: refers to things

Which: refers to person or thing

Whose: refers to person as possessive


·      What do you expect from me?

8.  Reciprocal Pronoun:

The relationships between two or more people or things are referred to by a reciprocal pronoun. The pronouns each other and one another are reciprocal.


·      They do not like each other.

·      We should not hurt one another.


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